Support sites and help lines for Survivors

This page will contain details of sites we support and those who offer support to Abuse Survivors, they will include help groups and any other party we feel helpful to survivors as a whole.

The first site I would like to place here is a very special one, Headed by John Mark Clubb Author of 'Boys Cry To'  His site has useful information as well as a contact email for extra support. JOhn is going the Extra mile to help raise awareness of abuse and the damage it does. He has just sent this email to EVERY SENATOR in the USA.

John Mark Clubb the Author of 'Boys Cry to' has just sent this letter to EVERY SENATOR in the USA..
Maybe other members here can adapt it and send it in to their governments?
Ok you guys have me inspired. I just finished sending the following email to every senator in the US.
I will go to work on all the congressmen next. Last night Lisa Langell and i began planning the worldwide online community. We plan on moving forward with this as soon as we can and as fast as we can get it up and going. Hang in there. We will overcome.

My book will also be online in the next couple of weeks so it can be downloaded instead of having to be ordered by hard copy.

Letter to Senators in the US

Dear Sir/Madam,

1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men will be sexually assaulted at some point in their lives worldwide. When you extrapolate those numbers to our 300 million neighbors, just in this country, the magnitude of people walking around in pain, shame and embarrassment from these attacks is simply staggering. The victims of this are:

3 times more likely to suffer from depression.
6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
13 times more likely to abuse alcohol.
26 times more likely to abuse drugs.
4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Sexual assault creates every addiction and self destructive behavior imaginable. Pedophiles typically have between 100-400 victims over a lifetime. They have a 100% repeat offense rate. Over 87% of victims do not report this to anyone. Over 90% of inmates report sexual abuse in their histories. These crimes cost the American people trillions of dollars in health/mental care, inmate housing and economic damage.

Sexual abuse and sexual assault is truly a pandemic in our society today. I would like to discuss introducing a bill that will make the rape of a child an offense that will carry with it a lifetime prison sentence with no chance of parole.

I am the author of a book entitled "boys cry too". It is a ground breaking memoir by a man of the effects of abuse on all aspects of a person’s life both personally and professionally. It is time that we as a people and a nation recognize what it costs us all. I would like to sit with you and discuss this at your convenience. I have a personal website: in which I go into greater detail about the effects of sex abuse on our fellow citizens. I would be more than happy to provide your office with a copy of my book so that you and I can discuss it in greater detail.
Thank you very much for your time and attention to this and I look forward to your response. Thank you for all of us and for those who have no voice in this.

With much respect
John Mark Clubb